图文:被起诉美国女兵透露“虐俘”内情 |
| NEWS.SOHU.COM 2004年05月12日22:30 来源:新华网 |
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5月11日,因参与虐待伊拉克战俘而被媒体广泛曝光的美国陆军预备役女兵林恩迪·英格兰在美国北卡罗来纳州布拉格堡基地接受一家电视台采访时透露,是她的上司指示她用链子牵着赤裸的伊拉克战俘让摄影师拍照的。新华社发Army Pfc. Lynndie England is shown in an image from television during an interview with KCNC-TV recorded at Fort Bragg in Fayetteville, N.C., on Tuesday, May 11, 2004. During the interview England said that her superiors gave her specific instructions on how to pose for photos showing her with naked Iraqi prisoners. (AP Photo/KCNC-TV)