图文:美在伊被害者家属的哀悼 |
| NEWS.SOHU.COM 2004年05月12日19:20 来源:新华网 |
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5月11日,在美国宾夕法尼亚州西切斯特,美国人迈克尔·伯格(中)抚慰女儿莎拉,他的儿子大卫站在一旁。伯格26岁的儿子尼古拉斯在伊拉克被残忍杀害。“基地”组织11日在一个网站上播放了该组织成员将尼古拉斯斩首的录像,称此举是“为了报复”美军虐待伊拉克俘虏。新华社发 Michael Berg, center hugs his daughter Sara as his son David stands nearby in front of the family house in West Chester, Pa., Tuesday May 11, 2004 after learning from a reporter of the exstence of a video posted Tuesday on an Islamic militant Web site showing the beheading of an American civilian, who identified himself as his son, Nick Berg. Berg's family said U.S. State Department officials on Monday had told them Berg's decapitated body was found near a highway in Baghdad on Saturday. (AP Photo/Jacqueline Larma)