图文:韩国和平人士呼吁巴以和解 |
| NEWS.SOHU.COM 2004年08月09日22:39 来源:新华网 |
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8月9日,约2500名韩国和平人士手持韩国国旗,打着呼吁和平的横幅,参加从耶路撒冷到约旦河西岸城市伯利恒的和平大游行。新华社/法新A group of Christian Evangelists from South Korea, taking part in a peace march from Jerusalem to the West Bank town of Bethlehem, pass in front of the biblical city's Church of the Nativity 09 August 2004. Some 2,500 Evangelists from South Korea are in Israel to attend a convention.AFP PHOTO/MUSA AL-SHAER
