图文:乌中选会宣布亚努科维奇获胜(1) |
| NEWS.SOHU.COM 2004年11月25日08:27 来源:新华网 |
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11月24日,乌克兰现总理、总统候选人亚努科维奇的支持者在大选结果宣布后欢呼。乌中央选举委员会24日在基辅举行的新闻发布会上正式宣布,现任总理亚努科维奇在总统选举第二轮投票中获得49.46%的选票,以高于“我们的乌克兰”政党联盟领导人尤先科2.85个百分点的微弱多数当选乌克兰新总统。新华社发[Caption]=Deputies of Ukraine parliament, supporters of pro-Russia Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich jubilate in the central election commission after Ukraine's pro-Russia Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich was declared winner of the country's presidential elections. With ballots from all polling stations counted, Yanukovich received 49.46 percent of the vote, compared to 46.61 percent for the West-leaning opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko. AFP PHOTO / Sergei SUPINSKY[CaptionWriter]=ss/jm[Imagetype]=3S
