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免费最经典的幽默小段子 掌握第一手军事情报

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 影片原产国:以色列 片长:52分钟 语言:英语和希伯来语 制作年份:2004 首播日期:2004年11月(阿姆斯特丹国际纪录片电影节) 作者:艾利·亚历山大 技术顾问:迈克尔·阿维阿德 出品公司:艾利独立制作公司 内容简介:艾利·亚历山大,是以色列学院奖最佳纪录片的获奖者.她的首部影片震撼人心,本片大胆地记录了三位耶路撒冷妇女在自己热爱的东正教区中,为了争取爱情权利而进行秘密斗争。这三位妇女都是虔诚的宗教信徒。她们都是女同性恋者,也是一个秘密支持组织“正派女同性恋会”的成员。虽然她们要为自己的选择付出巨大的代价,但是她们坚定地正视自己性别的两重性,以对社会无比同情的态度承受这些代价。为了顾全家庭和十个儿女,米里亚姆·埃斯特极力压制对男人触摸的厌恶感。鲁斯的丈夫出人意料地同意妻子每周与女情人会面两次。尤蒂斯是一名犹太教会首领的女儿,但是她毫不掩饰自己的性生活。。。。。。,因为她相信“谎言才是世上最深重的罪恶”。通过巧妙的电影技巧,影片突出了无休止的自我压抑所造成的极度痛苦,同时也为这些妇女提供匿名身份,使她们能够在自己的社区中继续生活下去。这些妇女为了自我实现、诚实和接纳而奋勇斗争,为那些寻找真理和在自己的世界中寻找立足之地的人树立了一个非凡典范。 导演简介:导演和制片艾利·亚历山大(以色列人)是以色列学院奖的获奖者。自从获得特拉维夫大学电影学校电影系美术硕士荣誉学位毕业以后,艾利一直是一名自由导演和制片。她独立制作的首部纪录片“呐喊”在世界各地举行的国际电影节中荣获七项国际奖。目前她正在以色列和亚洲制作和导演四部专题纪录片。2000年国际学生电影节在以色列举行,艾利担任联合董事和联合监制。她还是洛杉矶/特拉维夫高级制片讲座的董事,并且在特拉维夫大学的美术硕士电影课程中讲授电影语言学。2001至2005年期间,艾利担任以色列纪录片制作人协会的董事,为了推广纪录片和以色列影片原创作,不断与以色列政府和公共电视频道展开斗争。 Name of Entry:Keep Not Silent Country of Production:Israel Running Time:52 minutes Commentary Language:English & Hebrew Year of Production:2004 Date of First Release:November 2004 (Idfa film festival, Amsterdam) Author:ilil alexander Technical Advisor:michal aviad Company of Production:Ilil Independent Productions Brief Synopsis:Winner of the Israeli Academy Award for Best Documentary, Ilil Alexander’s stunning debut film boldly documents the clandestine struggle of three women fighting for their right to love within their beloved Orthodox communities in Jerusalem. All three are pious, religiously committed women. All three are lesbians, and members of a secret support group called the “Ortho-dykes.” Though their life choices exact a devastating price, these women are committed to confronting their duality, and accept the toll with a profound compassion toward their society. Miriam-Ester fights her aversion to a man’s touch for the sake of her family and ten children, while Ruth’s husband shockingly permits his wife to see her female lover twice a week. Yudith, a Rabbi’s daughter, declares her sexuality openly as she believes “lies are the worst sin on earth.” Ingenious cinematic techniques underscore the excruciating pain of constant self-suppression, and provide the anonymity necessary for these women to continue living in their communities. Their courageous fight for self-realization, honesty and acceptance is an extraordinary model for those who seek truth for themselves and a place within their world. C.V. of Director(s):The Israeli Academy Award Winner, Director/Producer Ilil Alexander (Israel) has been working as a freelance director and producer since graduating from the film department at Tel-Aviv University Film School with a master degree (MFA) with honors . Her first independent documentary “Keep Not Silent won 7 International awards in International film festival around the world. Currently she is producing and directing 4 feature documentaries in Israel and in Asia. She was the co-director and co- producer of the International Student Film Festival held in Israel in 2000, the director of the Los Angeles/Tel-Aviv Master Class Producers Workshop, and has been teaching cinematic language at the MFA Film Program at Tel-Aviv University. Between the years 2001 to 2005 she was a board member of aidf (association of the Israeli documentary filmmakers) fighting the Israeli government and Public T.V Channel in order to promote the documentary film genre and original Israeli filmmaking.

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