出品公司:印迪电影/ 卢德斯堡电影学校 / SWR
内容简介:“誓不低头”描绘的是一位来自喀布尔的危机管理者,是一部由乔切·弗兰克执导的纪录片。“不管多么平凡,实现理想都能赋予人们无以伦比的满足和喜悦。”35岁的苏珊娜·利波维克率领一支德国人道救援组织。她既是一名管理者,也是一名救济员。在她领导的一组阿富汗救援人员的支持下,苏珊娜在喀布尔和周边地区开设了多个紧急救护站,为这个伤痕累累的国家提供重要的医疗救助。但是,在远离城镇边缘和国际保护部队安全区以外的地方,情况却比市内更加危殆。于是苏珊娜开始在边远地区寻找一个建立新流动医院的地方。事情的成败取决于苏珊娜调解受影响各方的期望和利益的外交能力。苏珊娜一方面要满足为项目提供资金的德国外交部的期望;另一方面,她还要满足阿富汗人的期望,因为阿富汗人对于来自所谓“第一世界”的救援物质如何分配有自己的看法。在谈判期间,摆在苏珊娜面前的是伊斯兰教男性主宰社会的种种传统价值观,它们紧紧地束缚了这位西方女性管理者。要满足这些严重分歧的要求确实是一项巨大的挑战。如果苏珊娜激化了任何矛盾,这个项目不仅会夭折,而且她的生命安全也还受到威胁。本纪录片描绘了一位危机管理者的形象,展示了在阿富汗这个依然动荡不安的国家里工作每天所面临的困难。影片观察了计划和建立一个流动医院的过程,对“人道救援”进行了深入剖析。“誓不低头”是与德国西南电视台(SWR) 合作,由巴登-符腾堡电影学院、德国印地电影公司和德国西南电视台(SWR) 共同制作而成。影片于2005年3月在德国西南电视台展播的“青年纪录片”系列中播出。
家庭地址:Neuer Berg 5, 70327 Stuttgart,电话:+49-711-3654753,电子邮件:frankjoc@gmx.de
工作简历/教育背景:1993年在绍恩多夫的布尔格高级文理中学高中毕业。1995 – 99年在米特韦达高等学府学习媒体研究。1997年在“Spot Service”的后期制作部实习。1997 – 98年在德国西南电视台的不同制作部门中实习。1999-2004年毕业于德国路德威兹堡巴登-符腾堡电影学院。2004年担任剪辑助理和自由撰稿人。
导演:1998 – 99年导演纪录片“09648美国” ,58分钟,Betacam Sp。2000年导演短片“冬夜” ,12分钟,Betacam。2001年导演短片“加拉加斯” ,14分钟,16毫米。2002年导演纪录片“共同愿望” ,49分钟,DigiBeta摄像机。2000年导演短片“角色” ,15分钟,Betacam s/w。 2000年采用35毫米胶卷拍摄的8分钟影片“Linientreu” ,在2001年的短片比赛中获得Max Ophüls奖提名。2001年导演了短片“女间谍” ,15分钟,16毫米。
Name of Entry:Afghans dont flirt
Country of Production:afghanistan/germany
Running Time:75 min
Commentary Language:english subtitled
Year of Production:2004
Date of First Release:nov. 2004
Author:Jochen Frank
Technical Advisor:Jochen Frank
Company of Production:Indifilm / Filmhochschule Ludwigsburg / SWR
Brief Synopsis:Afghans don’t flirt A crisis manager in Kabul A documentary by Jochen Frank “Realising ones idea, no matter how extraordinary can have a most gratifying effect.” Thirty five year old Suzana Lipovac, head of a German humanitarian aid organisation, is manager but social worker at the same time. With the support of her Afghan team she runs various emergency aid stations in Kabul and surrounding regions, which supply the destructed Country with vital medication. But far from the town boundaries, beyond the safety zone of the international protection forces, the situation is even more critical than that of the city. Because of this Suzana is in search of a new rural location to build up an ambulance. The success of this depends on her diplomatic ability to reconcile the expectations and interests of the affected parties. On the one hand Suzana has to fulfil the expectations of the German Department for Foreign Affairs, which provides funding for the project. On the other she has to satisfy the Afghans, who have their own idea on how the aid of the so-called ‘first world’ has to be distributed. During negotiations Suzana is confronted with traditional values in an Islamic male dominant society, which often restricts the position of a western female manager. It is a huge challenge trying to meet all of these divergent requirements. Any contradictions made by her could not only bring an end to the project but be life threatening to her. The documentary is a personal portrait of a crisis manager. It shows the difficulty of the everyday work in Afghanistan, which is still very much a troubled country. The film observes the planning and construction of an ambulance and gives an insight into the business of “humanitarian aid”. “Afghans don’t flirt” is a co-production of the Film Academy Baden- Württemberg, INDI FILM GmbH and the Südwestrundfunk (SWR) in collaboration with the Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg (MFG) and is going to be screened within the framework of the series “Junger Dokumentarfilm” (Young Documentaries) of the SWR in March 2005.
C.V. of Director(s):CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Jochen Frank Personal details Date of birth: 29. Mai 1974 Place of birth: Aschaffenburg Home adress: Neuer Berg 5, 70327 Stuttgart fon: +49-711-3654753 e-mail: frankjoc@gmx.de Work Experience/ Education 1993 High-school graduation at Burggymnasium Schorndorf 1995 – 99 Media Studies at the Hochschule Mittweida 1997 internship at “Spot Service”, department post production 1997 - 98 internship at different productions of SWR Seit 1999-2004 Film-Academy Baden-Württemberg Ludwigsburg/ Germany Graduation 2004 Cutterassistent und freelance Avid Cutter Filmography Director: 1998 – 99 “09648 Amerika” documentary, 58 min., Betacam Sp 2000 “Winternacht” short film, 12 min., Betacam 2001 “Caracas” short film, 14 min., 16mm 2002 “Die Wunschkommune” documentary, 49 min, DigiBeta Camera: 2000 “Die Rolle” shortfilm, 15 min., Betacam s/w 2000 “Linientreu”