See you in court, angry pensioner tells Berlusconi
ROME (Reuters) - A 78-year-old Italian woman is suingPrimeMinister Silvio Berlusconi because her pension has not beenraiseddespite his pre-electoral pledge five years ago. Back in2001, whenhe was leading the centre-center opposition, Berlusconisaid duringa television talk show that if voted into office hewould boostpensions to at least 516 euros ($624) per month as partof his″contract with Italians″.
最佳翻译路透社罗马消息:一位78岁的意大利妇女状告总理贝卢斯科尼,因为总理没有兑现五年前竞选时提高养老金的承诺。 2001年,贝卢斯科尼领导中右翼在野党参选时,曾在电视讲话中表示,如果他当选,将把养老金至少提高到每月516欧元(约合624美元),并将此作为自己与“意大利人民契约”的一部分。漆正堂(衡阳)
Bank robber foiled by GPS
Bank staff tucked a global positioning satellite (GPS) deviceintoa bag of cash as they handed it over to a robber. Policetracked thedevice, quickly recovered the cash and arrested thealleged robberin Spokane, Washington.
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