最佳翻译德国一家动物园宣布,该园的六只雄企鹅一如既往,拒绝与同一种群的雌性企鹅共结良缘,这些雌企鹅是2005年从瑞典空运过来的。该动物园有10只雄企鹅,其中六只表现出强烈的同性恋倾向,它们中间业已形成配偶关系。 fgonline
其他翻译德国动物园同性恋企鹅依旧将雌性企鹅拒之门外德国一动物园称:该动物园内同性恋企鹅们在2005年仍旧拒绝与来自瑞典的雌性同类通婚。该动物园共拥有十只雄性企鹅,单一性别的强烈暗示使得这些雄性企鹅更愿意与同性为伴,并在它们中选择伴侣。 郑芳(原文见昨日A7版)
今日原文Runway dogs delay landings
Two passenger planes of Macedonia's national carrier MAT were stacked above Skopje airport until a pack of stray dogs could be cleared from the runway to let them land safely, officials said Thursday.The two planes circled for 30 minutes around the capital until the dogs were driven off. Airport authorities were checking for any holes in the airport fences.
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