Japan's“king of night”sniffs out rich women
One Japanese burglar truly knows the smell of money.Thethiefdubbed the“King of the Night”stole luxury items fromwomen'sapartments by sniffing the fragrances coming from theirdoors.
Police investigators nicknamed Shirota the “King of the Night”ashe often started his theft spree from around 8:00 pm afterthewomen go to work, the Mainichi Shimbun daily said.
最佳翻译一个日本夜贼可以分辨出钱的气味,这是真的。 这个绰号为“暗夜之王”的贼循着富婆住宅房门散发出的香味,偷了许多奢侈品。据《每日新闻日报》报道,警方调查人员给城田起了个“暗夜之王”的绰号。因为他常常从晚上8点左右起,在富婆们外出上班后,就开始了他的疯狂偷窃勾当。cisiui
Doctors'stand renews death penalty debate
The state's postponement of an execution because nomedicalprofessional would take part amounts to a moratorium oncapitalpunishment in California, home to the nation's largest deathrow,and could have implications for other states that uselethalinjection. Michael Morales, 46, was scheduled to die Tuesdaybyinjection for the rape and murder of a 17-year-old girl 25yearsago.
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