刘佳 湖南农业大学2002级学生
Mistake wins lottery millions for Australian granny
An Australian grandmother who made a mistake filling out herusuallottery entry on a new form has won more than two milliondollars(1.7 million US) as a result. The 79-year-old bought herusual 2.30dollar ticket which allowed her four lines of numbersbutaccidentally duplicated one of the lines -- which happened tobe thewinner, the New South Wales Lotto organisers said.
最佳翻译一位澳洲老奶奶在新的表格中填写她的彩票条目时出现了一个错误,而这个错误导致她获得了200万澳元(相当于170万美元)。 新南威尔士彩票组织者说,这位79岁的老奶奶和平常一样买下了价值2.30元的彩票,允许她填写四行数字,但是碰巧她重复填写了其中的一行——这使她成为了获奖者。溪叶
昨日关键词:fill out 填写
Man Gets $218 Trillion Phone Bill
A Malaysian man said he nearly fainted when he recieved a$218trillion phone bill and was ordered to pay up within 10 daysorface prosecution, a newspaper reported Monday.Yahaya Wahab saidhedisconnected his late father's phone line in January after hediedand settled the $23 bill, the New Straits Times reported.ButTelekom Malaysia later sent him a $218 trillion bill forrecenttelephone calls along with orders to settle within 10 days orfacelegal proceedings, the newspaper reported.
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