To improve the public transit system,Beijing will have by 2008atotal railway length of 200kilometers.New projects to be built include the SubwayNo.5Line,the first phase of the Subway No.10Line,the Olympic Branch Line and the Airport Railway Line.Construction will also have begun of the Subway No.4Line,No.9Lineand Yizhuang Light-rail Line.
Beijing will also have by 2008ahighway network of 890kilometers in total length.In downtown Beijing,public transit will account for 40%ofthetotal traffic volume.
为进一步完善北京的公共交通体系,到2008年北京的轨道交通里程将增加到200公里。 届时,北京将建成地铁5号线、10号线一期、奥运支线和轨道交通机场线等4条轨道交通,并且开工建设地铁4号线、9号线、亦庄轻轨等。到2008年,全市高速公路里程将达到890公里左右。中心城区公共客运系统承担全日出行量比例将达到40%以上。RJ212
摘自《北京2008》 |