亚洲新闻联盟(Asia News Network):
“亚洲新闻联盟”成立于1999年,是由亚洲不同地区的国家级报纸组成的新闻联盟机构,目前有来自12个成员国的14家报纸媒体构成,其中包括中国《中国日报》、泰国《国家报》、新加坡《海峡时报》、日本《读卖新闻》和《每日读卖》、马来西亚《星报》和《星洲日报》、印度《政治家报》、印度尼西亚《雅加达邮报》、韩国《韩国新闻导报》、孟加拉《每日星报》、菲律宾《每日咨询者报》、越南《越南新闻》、斯里兰卡《岛报》等。 该组织机构通过给成员国提供各种合作途径来共享并最优化使用该地区的重大新闻资源和新闻机构管理模式,从而打破西方媒体在亚洲报道的舆论强权和新闻垄断,实现“亚洲人报道亚洲”的理想。中国日报总编辑朱灵先生任亚洲新闻联盟2005-06年度执行主席。
Asia News Network (ANN)
The Asia News Network was established in March 1999 as a network of Asia national daily newspapers to provide avenues for cooperation and to optimize coverage of major news events in the region. Its 14 newspaper members cover Asian countries include: China Daily of China; The Nation of Thailand; The Straits Times of Singapore; The Daily Yomiuri and Yomiuri Shimbun of Japan; Sin Chew Daily and The Star of Malaysia; The Statesman of India; The Jakarta Post of Indonesia; The Korea Herald of South Korea; The Daily Star of Bangladesh; The Philippine Daily Inquirer of Philippine; The Vietnam News of Vietnam; The Island of Sri Lanka. The three main objectives of ANN are to enhance and improve news coverage of Asian affairs, to provide member newspapers with reliable access to news sources in Asia, and to help promote the professional development of journalism in the region.
网址:www.asianewsnet.net |