Birthday!Don`t worry, turning 60 is anexcitingmilestone. As you know, you`ve
joined millions of otherbabyboomers in an invigorating new decade of your life.
And, likemanyboomers, you may be looking for ways to keep your mindsharp.That`s
where we come in.Please accept our gift of a newNintendo DSLite system and a
copy of Brain Age: Train Your Brain inMinutes aDay. You now join millions of
people around the world whohave funchallenging themselves with Brain Age. If you
have neverplayed avideo game before, don`t worry. Brain Age is part of ournew
TouchGenerations brand, which includes games that are easy forpeople ofany age -
regardless of their video game experience - topick upand start playing
immediately.It`s obvious you don`t have alot oftime to play games, which makes
Brain Age such a greatactivity foryou - just a few minutes a day with more than
15 dailytrainingtests will help keep your mind sharp. Training
testsincludecategories like math, reading and memorization. Try it for afewdays
and watch your score improve. Brain Age also comes withmorethan 100 sudoku
puzzles - these could make your next longflight onAir Force One a bit more fun!
(Perhaps copies of Brain Ageforjournalists joining you on your next flight would
be anicedistraction!)Have fun exploring Brain Age with your NintendoDSLite and
be sure to let us know your brain age!Have atremendousbirthday!Sincerely,Your
Friends at Nintendo |