Atruck knocked into motion by a couple of rambunctious petsplowedthrough a cyclone fence .“The two dogs, Bubba and Bucky,were in thetruck parked on the street and got excited when anotherdog walkedby,“ police said, ″ then they knocked the gearshift outof ″Park″and sent the vehicle rolling.″
″I went running down the hill after my wife and after thetruckwith 'Operator One and Operator Two' behind the wheel,″ theownersaid, laughing.
最佳翻译一辆卡车被两只快乐的宠物狗发动并颠颠簸簸地穿过一排防风栅栏。 “那两只小狗,布巴和布奇,当时就在那辆停靠在路边的车里,当另外一只狗从车旁走过时,它们变得十分兴奋,”警察说,“然后它们触动了换挡杆使车子开始移动。”
今日原文 2 Centuries of N.Y. Kvetching Revealed
NEW YORK (AP) - Two centuries of kvetching, kvetching,kvetching.That's Yiddish, for complaining, complaining,complaining. And it'sthe subject of a new booklet that was compiledby Matthew fromletters he found in 30,000 boxes of archived mail tothe mayorgoing back to the 18th century.
“There’s African pygmy tribesman being kept in a cage at theBronxZoo.” That display elicited a letter of complaint to themayor in1906.
There's no evidence any of the letters resulted in action,butthey're written in the loud civic spirit that makes New York,NewYork.
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