The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of theXXIX Olympiad (BOCOG)releasedthePictogramsofthe Beijing 2008Olympic Games on theoccasion ofthe2-yearcountdown to the opening of theGames.Namedthebeautyofseal charactersandwith strokes of seal characters as their basic form,the Pictograms of the Beijing 2008OlympicGamesintegratepictographic charm of intionsonbonesandbronzets in ancient China with simplified embodiment of modern graphics,thusarriving at the harmony and unity of formwithconception.
在北京2008年奥运会倒计时两周年之际,北京奥组委发布了北京2008年奥运会体育图标。 名为“篆书之美”的北京2008年奥运会体育图标以篆字笔画为基本形式,融合了中国古代甲骨文、金文等文字的象形意趣和现代图形的简化特征,达到了“形”与“意”的和谐与统一。RJ212 |