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Human remains found in Mo. yard
The remains of at least two people were found in a ruralMissouriyard, where the bodies of as many as six peo?鄄ple couldhave beendumped, sheriffs officials said Satur?鄄day.
Officials planned to re?鄄sume the search early Sunday. Theyhavenot started digging at all so far, Whats on the surface iswhatthey have found so far.
Princeton number 1 in college rankings普林斯顿获大学排名第一
Princeton takes the top spot in the latest U.S. News &WorldReport college rankings, breaking a three-year tie for No. 1withIvy League rival Harvard.
普林斯顿大学在最近的 《美国新闻和世界报道》 大学排行榜中拔得头筹,打破了与常春藤学校哈佛大学长达三年的平局。
Yale again took the No. 3 spot in the controversial butcloselywatched rankings, fol?鄄lowed by the California Insti?鄄tuteofTechnology, Mas?鄄sachusetts Institute of Technol?鄄ogy andStanford- all tied for fourth.
(陈俊坤) |