Chinahas named a total of556elementary and secondary schools across the countryas Olympic Education Model Schoolsto promote Olympic education among the 400million youngsters.A ceremony was held in Qingdao,a city in eastern Chinas Shandong province and a co-host city of the Beijing 2008Olympic Games,to announce BOCOG and the Education Ministrys decision to award the nameplates to 356schools,in addition to the 200schools in Beijing which received the plates of the Olympic Education Model School in Decr 2005andJune this year.The 556schools,among them 404sec-ondary and 152elementary,include schools for special education,sports,for students of ethnic groups,students from other countries and vocational education.
全国556所“北京2008奥林匹克教育示范学校”命名工作日前已全部完成,这标志着奥林匹克教育工作将在4亿中小学生中全面展开。 命名仪式在2008年奥运会协办城市——山东省青岛市举行。继去年12月和今年6月北京地区的200所奥林匹克教育示范学校分两批命名挂牌之后,又有全国其他省、自治区、直辖市的356所学校被命名为“北京2008奥林匹克教育示范学校”。在这556所“北京2008奥林匹克教育示范学校”中,有中学404所,小学152所,这些学校还包括了特殊教育学校、体育运动学校、民族学校、国际学校、职业学校等各类学校。RJ212 |