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  Indians paint in colors of joy

  Last Sunday was not only Chinas Lantern Festival, but alsotheHoli Festival, one of the biggest and most joyous festivalsforIndians. Nearly 50 Indians celebrated the festival, also calledtheFestival of Colors, by painting each other in different colorsatXichong beach in eastern Shenzhen on Sunday. Bizarre as itsounds,smearing one an-other with bcenterly hued powders andsquirtingcolored water is a traditional way of celebrating thefestival.Although they are far from home, Shen-zhens Indianpopulation hasby no means abandoned the colorful display. They alsocelebratedthe festival on Dameisha beach last year. The boisterousoccasionstarted with peo-ple smearing different colored powders toeachothers faces, necks as well as clothes —with a Happy Holiandahug. Even a local fisherwomans face was painted red. Thepartyreached its climax as people were dipped into a pool ofcoloredwater one after the other amidst much teasing and laughteraschildren squirted colored water over passers-by. Back in India,thecelebration is even wilder, said Kenny Krishnani, who camefromDongguan City to join the party. Once the color on my face wassostrong that I tore my skin trying to wash it off,he said.

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