1. 弄清自己的语法薄弱环节或语法盲区,做到有针对性的补遗。
2. 构建整体语法结构,不能再只见“树”而不见“林”。
3. 必备一本配有练习的语法书,如《大学英语语法讲座》(宇航版)、《语法在用》(外研社版)
1. 快速通读全文以了解文章大意。
2. 细读全文旨在发现难点。
3. 逐段逐句深入理解语言的形式和内容。
4. 细读全文,从总体上把握作者的写作意图。
Fascinating New Concept English
Lessons of New Concept English never fail to fascinatetheirlearners. They can be useful and interesting towards thelearners,but they require great efforts as well. They never becomeboringlike TEOFL and GRE. As result, participants have learned howtoimprove their English independently and pleasantly. Mostlessonsremain characteristic of their own. One of the thingsthatfascinate us most about these lessons is the popular beliefthatthey can help learners grasp the authentic Englishlanguage.Apparently, there is a good idea of truth in this idea. Alearner’sability to survive examinations is based on the fact.
Recently, the New Oriental School made a study of 132learnersover a period of five months. All these learners had oneexperiencein common: they had participated in the course of NCE,yet onlyeight of them fail in the exam of TOEFL. Of course, NewOrientalSchool is the ideal place for such an interesting study,becausethere is no shortage of excellent learners. There are plentyoflegends to investigate. One student, Sabrina, took 32examinations,yet only suffer from one failure. “Our learners behavelikewell-trained linguists,” a teacher said. It seems that thelongerthe learners stick to NCE, the less they are likely to failin anyexam. In the long run, they reach the advanced level ofEnglish andhigher. At high levels, excellent learners have moretime topractice. They use English like native speakers. Thisincreasestheir chances of success and reduces the risk ofemployment whenthey hit the ground of the United States.
3. 作文:将提供更多的材料,让学员练习扩写,根据主题词写作和根据提纲写作的能力。 (接下页)