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  Asia Media Research Center, Communication University of China


  Asia Media Research Centre (AMRC) is an academic research organization jointly founded in June 2006 by the Communication University of China (CUC) and Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS). Among the 15 Asia research centres supported by KFAS, AMRC is the only one dedicated to media research.Dedicated solely to Asia, AMRC carries on specialized researches on Asian media with a global perspective. AMRC aims to make itself an academic resources network and a thoughts centre for Asian media research, a platform for exhibiting the latest achievements in this field, an arena for media leaders and professionals from various countries to discuss media development policies and an important stage for showing the academic style and features of CUC through hosting academic meetings on Asian media research, sponsoring high quality programs, academic exchanges, publications, and supporting communication visits to Korea by some outstanding CUC scholars.Through the past five years’ hard working, we have made AMRC an open and effective platform for academic researches and exchanges. Since 2003, the Asia Communication & Media Forum hosted by AMRC has been held annually with media academics and professionals from dozens of countries attending. This forum has become a well-known and influential name in media research. Asia Communication & Media Studies publishes high quality study papers written by well-known scholars, continually initiates new research fields, and leads Asian media research. The International Scholar Exchange Fellowship (ISEF) Program has awarded more than 10 outstanding scholars of CUC to visit and stay in Korea for study. As of the present, ISEF has supported about 80 research programs with the research papers totaling more than 2 million words.

  since its foundation, AMRC has contributed a lot to the sharing of academic recourses for Asian media research and cross-cultural communication by initiating a creative development pattern and establishing a cooperative platform. With the concern and support of media academics and professionals, we will work together and devote ourselves to make AMRC a top-ranking media research centre in the world.

  Ding, Junjie


  Vice President of Communication University of China

  Director of Asia Media Research Centre in CUC

  Education Background

  2003, Ph.D, Communication University of China

  1987, BA, Beijing Broadcasting Institute

  Major Research Fields

  Journalism and Communication, Theories and History of Advertising



  Marketing of Power of Influence, Press,CUC 2005

  General Studies on Modern Advertising, China Price Press, 1997

  Theories and Operations of Modern Advertising Activities, China Three Straits Press, 1996

  Studies on Broadcasting and Television, Xinhua Press, 1989

  Books Edited:

  Seeking Broadcasting Models, Beijing Broadcasting Institute Press, 2002

  Study on the Collectivization of Chinese Broadcasting Media, China Price Press, 2001

  Insight on the industrialization of Chinese Media in an international Background, Enterprises Management Press, 1999,

  Research on Operation and Industrialization of Media, Beijing Broadcasting Institute Press, 1998

  The Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS)


  The Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS) is a public interest oriented, non-profit educational organization which was established in November 1974, for the purposes of cultivating superior scholars and contributing towards the advancement of higher learning. To this end, the Foundation has under a long-term plan supported hundreds of young scholars pursuing their doctoral degrees in prestigious universities outside of Korea as well as thousands of college students in Korea during the past twenty six years. As a result, the Foundation has so far produced more than two hundred seventy Ph.D.s in social sciences, natural sciences, and Asian studies fields, and is currently supporting some one hundred fifty students pursuing their graduate studies at such prestigious institutions as the University of Chicago, Harvard University, Yale University, Princeton University, Stanford University, University of California at Berkeley, MIT, Caltech, UIUC, and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.

  The Foundation is maintaining a variety of systematic scholarship programs in social sciences, natural sciences, Asian studies, and computer science and information technology fields. Specifically, such specialized and unique programs as the following are currently being implemented: The KFAS Doctoral Study Abroad Scholarship Program that supports selected qualified students pursuing their doctoral degree goals at prestigious research universities in the world; the KFAS College Student Scholarship Program that supports academically qualified college students at an early stage (i.e., sophomore or junior students in colleges) and directs them so that they will be able to devote themselves to study; the KFAS Classical Chinese Studies Scholarship Program that supports academically qualified college students of humanities and social sciences in Korea wishing to pursue Classical Chinese studies through a training program of Classical Chinese texts; the KFAS Asian Studies Scholarship that supports doctoral study of those who have completed the KFAS Classical Chinese Studies Scholarship Program; and the KFAS Computer Science and Information Technology Graduate Study Scholarship that supports selected students' graduate work in information technology related areas in Korea. The Foundation supports scholarship awardees with keen concern and a coherent plan for each individual including academic guidance, training, consultion and research support.

  In 2000, The Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies has launched and is maintaining a new program calle the International Scholar Exchange Fellowship for promoting academic development and mutual understanding among Asian nations. The Foundation is inviting selected outstanding young scholars from Asian countries as the KFAS International Scholar Exchange Fellowship laureates so that they can conduct research in collaboration with Korean scholars at leading universities and research institutes in Korea for a year. The Foundation supports the KFAS International Scholar Exchange Fellowship laureates by providing them with research expenses (i.e. a monthly research stipend of 2,000,000 won), medical insurance, a round-trip air fare, and office space for a year during their stay in Korea and by organizing colloquiums, symposiums, Korean language courses, and visits to industrial facilities so that they can further their understanding of Korean society and culture as well as enhance their academic research.

  In addition, the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies is also maintaining Research Support and Library Services programs. The Foundation is supporting the scholarship awardees' sustained academic research through the KFAS Research Support Program and academic associations' activities such as conferences and seminars by lending out the Foundation's seminar rooms, lecture halls, and other academic resources through the Academic Society Support Program. The Foundation has established a research library maintaining a collection of books, periodicals, working papers, and reference materials that help scholarship awardees' studies.

  Jae-youl KIM

  Secretary General

  Korean Foundation for Advanced Studies


  1989: Ph.D, in Oriental Philosophy, Korea University,

  Research on Landscape Paintings of Tang & Song Dynasties

  Work Experience:

  1974 to present: Secretary General, Korean Foundation for Advanced Studies

  1989 to present: Professor, Korea University

  June 1999 to present: Trustee, The Federation of Korean Industries, Corporate Community


  January 2000 to present: Director, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

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