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  Chengdu Culturel and Tourism Development Group is founded on March 30th, 2007. As one part of public system reformation, Chengdu Culture and Tourism Development Group is set up to manage and promote the local tourism business into international market. It also integrates the tourist resources and targets to upgrade the material and service level of the local tourist industry. Commissioned by the government, it coordinates and optimizes the local tourism assets, formulates and conducts tourist marketing plans, and carries out the tourism instrument construction.

  At the present, Chengdu Culture and Tourism Development Group (CCTD Group) At the present, it operates certain landscapes (Chengdu research base of giant panda breeding, Xiling Snow Mount and etc.) and some sub-companies (Marketing Management company of CCTD Group, Chengdu Xingwen investment company and etc.) with over 2,000,000,000 RMB properties in total. It is a large-scale group with comprehensive influence in the cultural and tourism industry. Its key competitive power is the specialty in Chengdu’s culture and the unique characteristics of west China.

  Chengdu is a city with 4500 years civilization history and 3100 years city history, also it is very famous for the jumping-off point of southern silk road in the world. Chengdu has abundance of tourism resource. For instance, the World Cultural Heritage--- Dujiangyan Irrigation Project¬---Mount Qingcheng; three kingdoms culture cradle---Wuhou Temple; Famous poet in Chinese history---Du Fu and his home place; the so-called “Orient Alps”---Xiling Snow Mount; Jinsha site and the sunbird golden pattern which symbolize the spirit of Chinese---pursue the dream, solidarity and harmonious.

  Giant panda is regarded as one of three greatest state touring brands and well-recognized peaceful symbol in the world. CCTD has defined Giant panda, an image with global affinity, as the core theme for designing competitive eco-cultural touring product series which are tailor-made for different overseas markets. Finally, establish the efficient connection between overseas and domestic markets through Giant panda.

  Based on specific touring lines and unique theme—Giant panda, CCTD will keep going on optimizing our eco-cultural touring product series--“Giant panda’s home trip” with integrating all relevant touring resources of Chengdu and its surrounding sub-regions. Today, I’m very happy to declare an exciting progress we have made on integrating local touring resources. CCTD has founded “Marketing Alliance of Touring Targets”, together with other two most popular scenic sites in Sichuan province--Emei Mountain and Jiuzhaigou Valley. The alliance aims to establish an effective platform, through which quarters are able to share resources, make marketing strategies, and improve the efforts of government finance fund. The next phase, Air China and more tourism enterprises will take part in collaboration with this alliance, to accomplish overseas marketing and promoting of Chengdu tourism.




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