Cooperation Benefits People from Both Sides
Although geographically far
apart, China and Africahavetime-honored friendship, which has been cemented over
thelongcourse of history. Since the beginning of the newcentury,especially since
the Beijing Summit of the Forum onChina-AfricaCooperation, the two sides have
been committed tobuilding a newtype of strategic partnership, and
jointlyimplementing the eightcooperation measures announced by PresidentHu
Jintao. As a result,China-Africa trade and economic ties havegained a new
momentum,bringing benefits to people from bothsides.
China-Africa trade
has been developing rapidly. It registeredanaverage annual growth rate of over
30% in the past eight yearandexceeded USD 100 billion for the first time in
2008, realizingthetarget of “USD100 billion by 2010” proposed by Premier
WenJiaobaotwo years ahead of schedule. Chinese investment in Africahasexpanded
steadily. In 2008, Chinese direct investment inthecontinent amounted to USD 5.49
billion. The existing stockofinvestment had reached USD7.8 billion and more than
1600Chinesecompanies had invested in Africa by 2008, covering a widerange
ofareas from product processing to agriculturaldevelopment.Substantial progress
has been made in infrastructurecooperation.Chinese enterprises have undertaken
the construction ofsome majorprojects in Africa, including the east-west
expressway inAlgeria,the expansion of the Lobito Port in Angola and the
Buihydro-powerstation in Ghana, which have been widely applauded
bylocalgovernments and people. After years of efforts, China-Africatradeand
economic cooperation has shifted towards a diversifiedandinteractive pattern
encompassing trade, investment, aid andprojectcontracting, playing an
irreplaceable role in theeconomicdevelopment of both sides.
China has
closely followed the development of Africa andsincerelywishes to make its
contribution to the African people indevelopingtheir nations and creating a
better life. To helpAfrican countriesbuild their capacity for self-development,
Chinahas providedvarious assistances to 53 countries under theframework
ofSouth-South Cooperation over the past 50-strong years.It hasfinished over 800
complete-plant projects, provided trainingto300,000 people, cancelled 306 debts
for 34 heavily indebted poorandleast developed countries, and sent 17,000
medical workers to43African countries. The Chinese people will never
forgettheinvaluable support of the African friends in majorinternationalissues
such as the resumption of China"s mrship in theUN and thehosting of the Beijing
Olympic Games, and their selflessassistancein the wake of the devastating
earthquake in 2008.
Over the three years since the Beijing Summit of
the ForumonChina-Africa Cooperation, China and Africa have executed
theeightmeasures to promote development and improve people"swell-being,and thus
have contributed tremendously to deepeningbilateral tradeand economic
cooperation and advancing social andeconomicdevelopment of Africa. Under the
assistance initiative, theChineseside has constructed a number of large
infrastructureprojectsincluding the national stadium of Zambia, the second
BridgeofBamako, Mali, the hydro-power station of Pubara, Gabon, thenewairport of
Mauritius and the ring road of Nairobi, Kenya. The100China-assisted rural
schools will accommodate 50,000 children,andthe 30 hospitals with Chinese
assistance will add 4,000 bedstolocal medical capacity. The malaria prevention
cooperationhascovered over 30 countries and benefited hundreds of
millionsofpeople. The Ethiopian glass factory invested by
theChina-AfricaDevelopment Fund has filled the vacancy of localindustry, and
thecotton planting project in Malawi will create100,000 jobs forlocal farmers.
The Zambia-China Economic and TradeCooperation Areahas already attracted 10
enterprises with a totalinvestment ofmore than USD 700 million, and created
6,000 jobs.Meanwhile,Chinese companies have also grown stronger and reapedgreat
profitson the vast African continent. Facts have proven thatChina-Africaeconomic
and trade relationship features reciprocity,mutualbenefit, cooperation and
win-win, reflects the aspirations ofthepeoples and the need of the time, and
thus sets up a role modelofSouth-South Cooperation.
2009 is a year when
China-Africa economic and traderelationshipwill continue to prosper on the
strong momentum. TheChinesegovernment will, as always, follow the principle
of“sincerity andfriendship, equal treatment, mutual support
andcommondevelopment”, deepen trade and economic cooperation, fightthefinancial
crisis and achieve the goal of common development.Iwould like to offer the
following propositions:
The first proposition is to create a sound
environmentforcooperation. Coordination shall be intensified at
bothmultilateraland bilateral levels to ensure mutual support fortackling
allchallenges, including fighting protectionism, promotingthe reformof
international financial system and addressing globalwarming.Bilateral trade and
investment environment shall beimproved and apublic service platform be built to
facilitatecooperation. Thenegotiation, signing and implementation ofinvestment
protectionagreements shall be encouraged and cooperationamong
financialinstitutions be strengthened. African CommoditiesExhibitions shallbe
organized well to enlarge the two-way flow ofgoods.
The second
proposition is to elevate the level of tradeandeconomic cooperation. A
cooperation mechanism for supervisionofimports and exports shall be established
to safeguard theinterestsof consumers on both sides. Efforts shall be made to
setupoverseas logistics centers in African countries and promotequalityexports
to Africa. The scope of commodities eligible fordutyexemption shall be expanded
to increase imports fromAfrica.Two-way investment shall be further substantiated
withChinacontinuing to encourage and support competent andcreditworthycompanies
to invest in Africa while welcoming Africanentrepreneursto invest and set up
ventures in China.
The third proposition is to enrich the approaches
ofbilateralcooperation. Rigorous work shall be carried out to explorenew waysand
means of cooperation, facilitating the shift fromatrade-centric approach to one
that takes trade as themainstaywhile placing equal emphasis on other approaches
suchasinvestment, services, technology and project contracting,andadvancing
cooperation in such sectors as tourism,finance,education and environmental
protection. Efforts will bedirected toensure the success of overseas trade and
economiccooperationzones, attracting greater investment inflow from
Chinesecompaniesand providing convenience of access for small
andmedium-sizedAfrican enterprises to these cooperation zones.
forth proposition is to deepen cooperation on projectsrelatedto the well-being
of the people. Continuous efforts willbecommitted to advancing cooperation in
fields such as humanresourcetraining, healthcare, education,
environmentalprotection,technology transfer and tourism. The level ofcooperation
will beelevated in such fields as agriculturalinfrastructure, grainproduction,
farming and animal husbandry,transfer and exchanges ofagricultural technology as
well asprocessing of agriculturalproduce. Smooth implementation of aidprojects
to Africa such asthe agro-technology demonstrationcenters, hospitals, schools
andmalaria prevention and treatmentcenters shall be ensured. Effortsshall also
be intensified in termsof infrastructure investment inAfrica.
Africa and China are lands brimming with hope in thecurrentof globalization. We
firmly believe that as long as we joinhandsand work in concert, China-Africa
trade and economiccooperationwill be bracing for an even bcenterer future, to
theextent ofbenefiting people from both sides within a wider anddeeperdimension.