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Flor ROA

  Flor ROA

  University of Kassel, Germany

  Education Background:BA in Business and Marketing, Instituto Pólitecnico Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico (1997-2002)

  M.A in Media, Communication and Cultural Studies, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy (2005-2006)

  Research Interests:Sports Media Communication

  Main Publications:The Media Efforts in the Communication Policy from Official Partners of the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany

  The Media Efforts in the Communication Policy from Official Partners of the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany

  Flor ROA

  Football is not only the most popular Sport in the world, it’s an industry where different stakeholders invest huge amount of money to gain awareness, positioning, share of market and sales. Commercial sponsorships have become an important instrument in Football and many international companies have found that they can maximize their promotion and advertising investments by sponsoring teams or sport events that can reinforce their media communications efforts. This case study analyses the communication campaign from 2 different official Partners of the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany (Coca-Cola, Adidas) and one official supplier (die Postbank). These practical examples will be given to demonstrate that today sponsorship is more complex than just the exposure of a logo in an event, but moreover the role it plays in a communication campaign. This case is supported by the testimonials of PR and Marketing Managers from these official Partners.

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热点标签:章子怡 春运 郭德纲 315 明星代言 何智丽 叶永烈 吴敬琏 暴风雪 于丹 陈晓旭 文化 票价 孔子 房价

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