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Progresses Foremost in 2007


  form on thepublictransportation has been taken since2007.Besides thelow carfare implementation,the importance of how to increasingly get more and more people to use the public vehicles is becoming the key point to solve traffic problems in Beijing.



  Monthly electronic ticketshavebeen replaced bythe new smart cards since the verybeginning ofthisyear.In addition,based upon thedata-collected form,the dynamictrafficsituation will be provided by means of mobile phonesto getpeopleabetter understanding at any moment,which is,at the same time,also an efficient wayto untie the crowded traffic streams.


  Theimprovement of the public transportation in Beijing requires the efforts from both thegovernmentand citizens.Onlyinthiswaywecan construct a new transportation system with culture-enriched features and be strongly supportive to the success of the 2008Beijing Olympicscoming soon.



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