通知 定于2008年3月12日15:00在人民大会堂新闻发布厅举行政协十一届一次会议记者招待会,主题是“政协委员谈奥运”。刘敬民、崔大林、张景安、张艺谋、邓亚萍五位委员将出席记者招待会并回答记者问题。
The Press Conference of the First Session of the 11th CPPCCwillbe held at 15 on March 12th, 2008 in the Press Conference Roomofthe People"s Great Hall, the theme of which is “the CPPCC Mrstalkabout the Olympic Games”. Five CPPCC mrs, Mr. Liu Jingmin, Mr.CuiDalin,Mr. Zhang Jing"an, Mr. Zhang Yimou and Ms. Deng Yapingwillattend the press conference and answer questionsofjournalists.
The journalists should enter the People"s Great Hall throughtheeast gate with the “NPC and CPPCC sessions” journalistcards.
The Press Center of the Secretariat of the Fist Session ofthe11th National Committee of CPPCC
March 10th, 2008 (来源:人民网·中国政协新闻网)