中新社发潘索菲 摄
中新网6月6日电 美国当地时间6月4日,影星莎朗斯通就其四川地震“因果论”言论再次向中国人民公开道歉,以下是其英文道歉原文:
There have been numerous reports about what I said in Cannes.Iwould like to set the record straight about what I feel in myheartand end all of the misunderstandings. Yes, I misspoke. I couldnotbe more regretful of that mistake. It was unintentional.Iapologize, those words were never meant to be hurtful toanyone,they were an accident of my distraction and a product ofnewssensationalism. I am deeply saddened by the pain that thiswholesituation has caused the victims of the devastating earthquakeinChina.