3月9日 下午开放团组活动一览表 代表团 时 间 地 点 会议形式 会议议题 天津 15:00 人民大会堂天津厅 全体会议(会后,部分代表接受集体采访) 审议全国人大常委会工作报告 宁夏 15:00 全国人大会议中心 (西皇城根北街2号)二楼第四会议室
全体会议(会后,部分代表接受集体采访) 审议全国人大常委会工作报告 台湾 15:00 人民大会堂台湾厅 全体会议(会后,全团代表接受集体采访) 审议全国人大常委会工作报告 十一届全国人大二次会议新闻中心 2009年3月8日 Notice No.25 Delegation Meetings Open to the Press on the afternoon of March 9th
Delegation Time Place Meeting Topics Tianjin
15:00 Tianjin Hall,GHP
Delegation Meeting(Some deputies will jointly take an interview aftertheMeeting)
Deliberating the Report on the Work of the NPCStandingCommittee
15:00 No. 4 Conference Room, 2nd floor, Convention Center of theNPC(No.2, Xihuangchenggenbeijie)
Delegation Meeting(Some deputies will jointly take an interview aftertheMeeting)
Deliberating the Report on the Work of the NPCStandingCommittee
15:00 Taiwan Hall,GHP
Delegation Meeting(All deputies will jointly take an interview aftertheMeeting.)
Deliberating the Report on the Work of the NPCStandingCommittee
2.Pleasefollow closely further Notice issued by the PressCenterin case any change is made.
3. Please do not conduct individual interviews with thedeputiesduring the Meeting.
PressCenter 2nd Session of the 11 th NPC
March 8th, 2009