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新闻中心 > 国内新闻 > 2007年全国两会-“华素片特约” > 两会动态






  The second plenary session of the 5th Session of the 10thNationalPeople’s Congress will be held at 9am at the Great Hall ofthePeople. The meeting will listen to the explanations by ViceChairmanWang Zhaoguo of the NPC Standing Committee on the draftLaw on Realcenters, the explanations by Minister of Finance JinRenqing on thedraft Law on Corporate Income Tax, the explanationsby Vice Chairmanand the Secretary-General Sheng Huaren of the NPCStanding Committeeon the draft decision on the number and electionof deputies to the11th NPC, and the explanations by Vice Chairmanand theSecretary-General Sheng Huaren of the NPC StandingCommittee on thedraft method of election of deputies to the 11thNPC from Hong Kongand Macao Special Administrative Region.Pressofficers from HongKong and Macao SAR and press officers of foreigncountries in Chinaplease enter the Great Hall of the Peoplethrough the first gate inthe south of the Eastern Entrance withyour Auditing Cards, andshould be seated in area No.4 in the frontand the first ten linesin area No.4 on the back or the press areaof the secondfloor.Journalists from China and abroad may enter theGreat Hall ofthe People through the East Entrance with your presscards. Thosewho hold G2 Press Cards should be seated in area No.3,5 and 7 inthe front of the second floor while those who hold G3Press Cards beseated on the third floor.Press CenterThe 5thSession of the 10thNPCMarch 7, 2007

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