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Mediaedge:cia is Recognised as Media Agency of the Year,

Hong Kong – Last night, Mediaedge:cia, a leading media communications company, was heralded as Asia Pacific’s Media Agency of the Year at Haymarket’s Media Awards, the region’s most prestigious awards show. The judging panel, comprising senior client marketers and editors from Media, were unanimous in their decision to select MEC. Criteria for evaluation had included new business record, client and staff retention initiatives and contribution to industry reputation, but it was MEC’s innovative and effective client work for brands such as Singapore Airlines, Colgate, Sony Ericsson, Mercedes-Benz and Wrigley’s that took the agency into an unassailable lead. On the very day that this Asia Pacific win was announced, MEC in the UK was recognised as Media Agency of the Year by Marketing Magazine and in the US MEC Interaction struck Gold and earned accolade as the OMMA Interactive Agency of the Year. “These wins are fantastic recognition for every member of staff in MEC” said Charles Courtier, MEC’s Global CEO. “It is a great testament to everyone’s hard work, dedication and most importantly the leading communications work, the “ActivEngagement” that we produce for our clients around the world” he finished. Earlier in 2007 Mediaedge:cia merited an unprecedented double first as Global Agency of the Year for both AdAge and AdWeek respectively. ENDS For more information contact: Etc (fill in your contact details) About Mediaedge:cia Mediaedge:cia (MEC) is the first global communications planning and implementation agency. MEC gets consumers actively engaged with its clients’ brands leading to relevant awareness, deeper relationships and stronger sales. MEC services include consumer insight and ROI, communications planning, media planning and buying, interaction (digital, direct, search), retail consultancy, content creation, strategic alliances. MEC’s 4,000 highly talented and motivated people work with local, regional and global clients from 220 offices in 76 countries. MEC is a founding partner of GroupM, WPP’s media investment management group. For further information, visit www.mecglobal.com
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