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  Name of Entry:Deng Yingchao

  Country of Production:China

  Running Time:45’ per episode, eight episodes altogether

  Commentary Language:Chinese/English

  Year of Production:2003—2004

  Date of First Release:2/2/2004

  Author:Fei Honghuan

  Technical Advisor:Wang Changsheng

  Company of Production:Nanjing Radio and TV Group

  Brief introduction:Deng Yingchao, a full-length TV documentary produced in memory of her 100th birthday anniversary, depicts vividly achievements made by the great revolutionist, stateswoman, social activist, the Party and the state’s distinguished leader and forerunner of Chinese feminism campaign. With social history in modern and contemporary times as background, the documentary features her unremitting fight for her people and selfless devotion to them. Moreover, it reflects hardships in the process of China’s revolution and construction. Beside Deng Yingchao, a great number of Chinese revolutionary leaders including Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping, Ne Rongzhen and Cai Chang as well as historical figures such as Zhang Xueliang, He Xiangning and Song Meiling show up in the documentary. Their stories are a part of the brilliant history of China’s modern and contemporary times. The team made interviews with over 250 Deng Xiaoping and her Husband Zhou Enlai’s colleagues, relatives and witnesses of some historic events. The team even traveled far to various countries in Asia and Europe such as French, Russia, Japan and Sri Lanka in order to listen to stories told by the witnesses that bring a great many unforgettable historic scenes back to life.

  CV of Director(s):Wu Jianning, male, born in Nanjing in October 1955, Han nationality, Communist Party member and bachelor degree holder. He works as director and senior editor in Nanjing TV Station, member of Jiangsu Provincial Political Consultation Committee, member of Authors’ Association in Jiangsu, member of China TV Artists’ Association, director of Jiangsu TV Artists’ Association, director of Jiangsu Cross-strait News and Cultural Exchange Association and director of Nanjing News Employees’ Association. He began working in 1970. Till now he has been engaged in TV and film in the Liberation Army, Anhui News TV Studio and Nanjing TV Station consecutively. Since 1992 he has taken the responsibility of producing full-length TV documentary series. He used to lead his team to Taiwan for three times as well as to the U.S., Japan, Russia, French, Spanish, Australia, the Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Africa, Kenya, Yemen and Sri Lanka. Domestic and foreign celebrities who he interviewed include Zhang Xueliang, Jang Weiguo, King of Cambodia Norodom Sihanouk, former French Prime Minister Raymond Bar, former Philippine president Aquino and former Indonesian president Wahid.



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